Diploma winner oblasnogo contest "Best Product of Kharkiv" in the nomination "Industrial goods for the population", held within the framework of the national contest "100 best products of 2013, Ukraine" for the production of quality products "means Univesralnoe care furniture polish, anti-dust "SAMA". |

Diploma Ukrainian quality products (goods, works, services) "100 best goods of Ukraine" 2013 |

Diploma winner oblasnogo contest "Best Product of Kharkiv" in the nomination "Industrial goods for the population", held within the framework of the national competition "100 best goods, Ukraine-2012", for the production of quality products "oxygen bleach "SAMA". |

Diploma Ukrainian quality products (goods, works, services) "100 best goods of Ukraine" 2012 |

Certificate of the winner of regional awards “Best products of Kharkivshchyna” in category “Industrial products for population” under national awards “100 best products of the year in Ukraine-2010”, for manufacture of quality products “Universal synthetic laundry detergent”. |

Certificate of the winner of All-Ukrainian awards of products quality “100 best products of the year in Ukraine-2010” in category “Industrial products for population”, for manufacture of quality products “Universal synthetic laundry detergent of TM “SAMA”-BABY for laundry of children’s underwear and clothes”. |