Bleach “Belizna” of Sàmà ÒÌ

Bleach “Belizna” of Sàmà ÒÌ


Îòáåëèâàòåëü "Áåëèçíà" ÒÌ ÑàìàBleach and disinfectant “Belizna” of Sàmà ÒÌ   removes spots from white cotton and linen clothes easily, cleans and disinfects dishes, ceramic tiles, bathroom, toilet bowl. It kills microbes leaving only freshness and cleanliness.

There are too types of “Belizna” of Sàmà ÒÌ:


The form of product:

Plastic bottles 1000 ml.

Plastic bottles 900 ml.


corrugated cardboard box for  12 bottles each.